Does Urgent Care Do Stitches? Everything You Need to Know

Urgent Care Do Stitches

Accidents can happen at any time, leaving you in need of medical attention. If you’ve found yourself with a cut that requires stitches, you might be wondering: does urgent care do stitches? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of urgent care and stitches, giving you a clear understanding of when and how you can receive this essential medical service.

Understanding Urgent Care

Urgent care centers have become increasingly popular for their convenient and timely medical services. These centers bridge the gap between your primary care physician and the emergency room, providing treatment for non-life-threatening injuries and illnesses. But what about stitches? Can you get them at urgent care?

The Answer – Yes, They Do!

One of the advantages of urgent care centers is that they offer a wide range of services, including wound care and stitches. These facilities are equipped to handle minor to moderate lacerations that might need sutures, providing a quick and cost-effective alternative to the emergency room.

When Should You Consider Urgent Care for Stitches?

Non-Severe Injuries

If your wound is not life-threatening but still requires immediate attention, urgent care is the perfect place to go. Cuts, gashes, and lacerations that may need stitches fall under this category.


Urgent care centers often have shorter wait times compared to emergency rooms, making them a practical choice for getting stitches promptly.


Urgent care visits are generally more affordable than ER visits, making them a budget-friendly option for minor injuries like stitches.

The Process of Getting Stitches at Urgent Care

  1. Assessment: When you arrive at an urgent care center with a cut, a medical professional will assess the severity of the wound to determine if stitches are necessary.
  2. Cleaning and Preparation: If stitches are deemed necessary, the wound will be cleaned thoroughly to prevent infection.
  3. Suturing: The medical professional will then carefully suture the wound, bringing the edges of the cut together to facilitate proper healing.
  4. Aftercare: You’ll receive instructions on how to care for your stitches at home and when to return for their removal.

Advantages of Getting Stitches at Urgent Care:

Prompt Treatment

Urgent care centers offer timely medical attention, ensuring that your wound is treated quickly.

Expert Care

The medical professionals at urgent care centers are skilled in wound care and suturing, providing high-quality care.


Stitches at urgent care are often more affordable than a trip to the emergency room without sacrificing quality.

What if the Wound is Severe?

It’s important to note that while urgent care centers can handle many cases, there are instances where the wound might be too severe for them to manage. In such cases, the medical staff at urgent care will recognize the need for more advanced care and help you transition to the appropriate facility.

Final Thoughts:

When accidents happen and you find yourself in need of stitches, urgent care is a reliable and convenient option. From minor cuts to moderate lacerations, these centers can provide the prompt and professional care you need, ensuring a smoother healing process. Remember, stitches at urgent care are not only possible – they’re an excellent choice for efficient, effective, and affordable treatment.